Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?

The World Health Organization defines health as “not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” Wellness has been defined more as the action an individual takes to meet the above definition of health....
Vibration Meets Foam Rolling: Hyperice Vyper

Vibration Meets Foam Rolling: Hyperice Vyper

Foam rolling has been used for years now by everyone from professional athletes to the average fitness consumer. The benefits of foam rolling have been well documented as a functional preparation and post workout recovery tool. Foam rolling can increase fascia...
How Do You Perform A Push-up?

How Do You Perform A Push-up?

Push-ups are a foundational movement that we perform in our daily life in some aspect. The traditional push-up has been taught to be performed in the prone position on your hands and feet, elbows extended and hands directly underneath your shoulders. From there you...
What is an example of a speed, agility, and quickness drill?

What is an example of a speed, agility, and quickness drill?

The T-Drill is just one example of a SAQ training exercise. The T-Drills has a combination of straight ahead speed, lateral agility, and shuffling to emphasis quick feet. Set Up: You will need four cones to create the T shape drill. Place three cones in a line to...