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“The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life span…The elastic band of sleep deprivation can stretch only so far before it snaps.” – Quote from Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Sleep is essential. It probably wouldn’t surprise you to learn that most of us in modern society are sleep deprived – and were so used to operating that way that we don’t even realize it.

Every area of our life is affected by our sleep. Our physical health, emotional health, mood, appetite, energy, and stress level are some of the many things impacted by our sleep or lack there of. Poor sleep increases our risk of dis- ease (including heart disease, cancer and dementia) and death. Our ability to learn, our memory, physical performance and our cognitive ability all de- cline when we do not get enough quality sleep. On the flip side, our physical, mental and emotional health all improve when we achieve the right amount of quality sleep. Sleep can do so much for our health in ways that modern medicine currently cannot replicate. Sleep is the most effective thing we can do for the daily health of our brain and body. Take a deep dive into our sleep content below.

Understanding Sleep Cycles and Optimizing Your Sleep

Understanding Sleep Cycles and Optimizing Your Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of our daily routine, critical for maintaining overall health and well-being. Despite its importance, many people struggle with getting quality sleep. To optimize your sleep, it's essential to understand sleep cycles, their stages, and the...

The Importance of Sleep in Increasing Healthspan

The Importance of Sleep in Increasing Healthspan

Sleep is often considered a luxury in our fast-paced, productivity-driven society. However, it is a fundamental pillar of health that significantly impacts our healthspan—the period of life spent in good health. Renowned experts such as Arianna Huffington, David...

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