Better Nutritional Habits
- Increasing your intake of Fruits and Vegetables will provide nutrition for your body and mind. You will also help yourself to maintain a healthy weight because of the decrease in intake of processed and unhealthy junk food.
- Nutritional Insurance: Let’s face it – no one eats perfectly and providing your body with the nutrition it needs to thrive is vital. There is enough research to suggest that taking a daily Multi Vitamin is a good idea.
- Stay Hydrated: Make water your drink of choice to hydrate your body and optimize performance. An added bonus to drinking more water is that you will typically consume fewer calories from mistakenly eating instead of drinking and by decreasing calories from sugary drinks.
Decrease Stress
You’ve heard the saying “Stress is a killer”. Well, it’s true! And it makes you miserable. Stress is a natural part of anyone’s life so developing ways to better handle negative stress is important.</p?
I utilize the S.T.O.P. method whenever I am losing control. I coach myself to Stop, Think, Choose and Proceed. It allows me time to think about outcomes rather than just react. This method definitely helps me stay calm.
- Move your body – Moving your body at least 20 minutes daily (up to 60 minutes) will help to maintain a proper weight and enhance your fitness. Exercise will boost your metabolism and help to maintain balance and flexibility. Moving will also help keep your joints healthy and help boost your mood.
- Expand your mind – Equally as important as exercising the body is challenging the mind. Reading for at least 20 minutes daily or taking part in challenging “mind puzzles” like Sudoku or Crosswords will help to keep you mentally sharp and focused.
- Increase your social network – Being surrounded by people who care about you creates feelings of connectedness and love. Caring for others does the same thing. Staying connected helps keep you young at heart.
- Health stats – Regular checkups with your Physician will keep you abreast of your body’s needs and challenges and can alert you to what needs attention and care. Follow your Dr.’s advice with any health issue.