Have you ever noticed when you get up from your desk your back feels like your 20 years older than when you first sat down? You didn’t bend over and lift anything, in fact you didn’t do much more than typing and reaching. So why the old back feeling?
The initial culprit you would think is the site of your discomfort, but very rarely is that the case. The key to having a flexible and mobile lower back is actually the regions directly above and below:
the thoracic spine
the hips
Unfortunately, sitting at the desk for prolonged periods creates inactivity at both the of these regions – regions that are needed for getting up and walking around through your day. Instead of both regions moving and grooving when you stand up and walk, they instead lie dormant. This will then create a need for the lumbar spine (low back region) to help out more than it’s functional capacity. This added on to the fact the lumbar spine has been under gravitational stress from the very action of sitting.
Did You Know?
Postural stress on the lumber spine in the sitting position with a forward lean (office work), can cause up to 1.5 to 1.85 times the load pressure of standing upright. What does all that mean? Simple, the low back is already tired and certainly not ready for increased demand.
What Can You Do?
A quick mobility drill done to disrupt the above environment is a simple strategy for a healthier younger lower back. In our HomeFit+ app, open up the mobility section to view all WorkFit videos. Best of all? HomeFit+ is FREE, with over a hundred workouts and an exclusive educational resource center at the touch of your finger!
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